eFootball Mobile new controls

eFootball Mobile new controls

With the impending update of eFootball mobile around the corner, Konami has updated their website to inform players about eFootball mobile new controls.

eFootball mobile new controls are designed to reflect updates in the gameplay. This new system is designed to give players a lot more control over gameplay.

The new controls are a bit of a handful but as soon as you can wrap your thumbs around them, they are simple to follow. All that would be left is for you the player to use the skills and apply them at the best possible times.

eFootball 2022 mobile: First impressions

eFootball Mobile new controls

The new controls for eFootball are separate for the two main control styles (classic and advanced).

For the uninitiated, the classic controls are setup in the traditional gaming style. It makes use of a directional pad and four multi-buttons. These buttons are pass, through, dash and shoot (for attack) and switch, pressure, tackle and dash (for defense).

The advanced controls on the other hand dumps buttons entirely and replaces them with touches and flicks.

Read: eFootball Mobile update

Classic controls


These moves are used when bearing down on an opponent’s goal.

1. Sharp touch

The sharp touch move helps players to take a quick sharp turn and sprint away from an opponent while dribbling.

To do: tap dash and flick on the left side of the screen in the intended direction of the move.

Classic_Sharp Touch

2. Stunning pass

The stunning pass is a faster and more accurate version of the normal pass. There are four types of stunning passes. They are:

  • low pass
  • lofted pass
  • through pass
  • fly through pass

Stunning low passes is a very quick low pass aimed towards the feet of a teammate.

To do: drag the d-pad in the direction of the receiving player and flick the pass button to the left.

Classic_Stunning Low Pass

Stunning lofted pass is a fast lofted (up) pass aimed at a teammate. The ball tends to float through the air especially over long distances.

To do: drag the d-pad in the direction of the receiving player and flick the pass button to the right.

Classic_Stunning Lofted Pass

Stunning through pass is a faster type of low through pass that is more accurate.

To do: drag the d-pad in the direction of the receiving player and flick the through button to the left.

Classic_Stunning Through Ball

Stunning fly through pass is a faster type of lofted (up) through pass with a lowered height.

To do: drag the d-pad in the direction of the receiving player and flick the pass button to the left.

Classic_Stunning Chipped Through Ball

3. Stunning Crosses

These are supposedly better versions of crosses. There are two types:

  • cross
  • low cross

Stunning cross is a faster version of the normal cross with a lot more curve and accuracy.

To do: flick the pass button to the right when you are close to the corner flag.

Classic_Stunning Cross

Stunning low cross is the same as the stunning cross but flies in at a lower height.

To do: flick the pass button to the left.

Classic_Stunning Low Cross

4. Stunning shot

This is a faster and more accurate method of shooting the ball at goal. In order to do a stunning shot, you have to setup your player in such a way that there’s space in front of him before taking the shot.

To do: drag the d-pad in the direction of the goal and flick the shoot button to the right or left.

Classic_Stunning Shot

5. Shield

This is a simply way of shielding the ball against an opponent. This move should depend largely on your player’s physical contact stats a lot. This move should help you shield the ball will dash dribbling.

To do: dash + double tap left side.


6. Pass and run crossover

This move makes a passer do a diagonal run into a shooting position.

To do: After playing a pass, pull and flick on the left side of the screen.

Classic_Pass and run (Cross Over)


1. Match-up

When you are 1-on-1 against an opposing attacker, this move causes your defender to be more conservative when defending instead of running at the attacker and exposing your defense.

To do: drag the press button to right or left while defending.

Classic_Match up

2. Shoulder charge

This move instructs your players to shoulder barge opponents while defending.

To do: double tap the left side to shoulder barge opposing attackers.

Classic_Shoulder Charge

3. Call to pressure

This move calls an extra player to press the opposing player with the ball. It also coordinates the entire team to chase down the ball.

To do: Drag the pressure button upwards.

Classic_Call for Pressure

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Modified commands from PES 21

1. Quick stop

Double tap on the left side of the screen

Classic_Quick Stop/Face the Opponent's Goal

2. Lofted pass

Aim the direction of the pass and flip up on the pass button

Classic_Lofted Pass

3. Fly through pass (up slot)

Aim the direction of the pass and flick up on the through button

Classic_Chipped Through Ball

4. Crosses

When you’re close to the corner flag, flick upwards on the pass button.


Advanced controls


1. Sharp touch

Tap and hold the right side of the screen and flick the direction that you want the pass to go on the left side.

Touch & Flick_Sharp Touch

2. Stunning pass

Tap on the left side of the screen and perform a pass command.

Touch & Flick_Stunning Pass

3. Stunning cross

Tap on the left side of the screen and perform a cross command.

Touch & Flick_Stunning Cross

4. Stunning shot

Tap on the left side of the screen, tap on the right side and flick in the direction of the intended shot.

Touch & Flick_Stunning Shot

5. Shield

Double tap and hold on the right side of the screen and and then double tap and hold on the left side.

Touch & Flick_Shield

6. Pass-and-run (crossover)

After playing a pass, pull and flick up on the left side.

Touch & Flick_Pass and run (Cross Over)


1. Match-up

Tap and hold on the right side while defending.

Touch & Flick_Dash and Match up

2. Shoulder charge

Double tap on the left side.

Touch & Flick_Shoulder Charge

3. Call for pressure

Slide on the right side while defending.

Touch & Flick_Call for Pressure

4. Quick stop

Double tap on the left side.

Touch & Flick_Quick Stop/Face the Opponent's Goal

5. Press

Tap and hold the right side.

Touch & Flick_Pressure

So there you have it. eFootball Mobile new controls really are a handful but with time and constant practice, it should come naturally to you.

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