Comments on: Apple MacBook Pro 2021: A Case of Sudden Death Keeping Smartphones Simple Tue, 30 Jan 2024 06:37:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jarvis Computing Tue, 30 Jan 2024 06:37:27 +0000 This article sheds light on a concerning issue faced by Apple MacBook Pro 2021 owners, highlighting unexpected failures and the hefty repair bills associated with logic board issues, overheating, and even sudden death of these supposedly cutting-edge laptops. The insight into a potential design flaw, specifically the TPS62180 buck converter, offers a glimpse into the root cause of the problem.

The astronomical repair costs and the challenges third-party repair shops face due to Apple’s tight control over replacement parts leave users in a difficult position. The flawed design decision to store the Mac’s BIOS directly on the SSD exacerbates the issue, turning a simple failure into a catastrophic breakdown.

The suggested preventive measures, such as regular backups and investing in a cooling pad, provide practical advice for users looking to safeguard their laptops. The mention of the EU’s “right to repair” initiative adds a glimmer of hope, potentially pushing for legislation that could empower consumers and break Apple’s repair monopoly.

It’s a compelling read that not only highlights the current challenges faced by MacBook Pro owners but also calls attention to the broader issues related to repair accessibility and user empowerment.
